Saturday, 11 August 2012

Never let you go

When I first saw, I promised myself to never let you go,
You held my hands in yours and took me to a dream world,
Fighting and feuding on situations changed our world…

I held you so close, so tight; I never wanted to let you go...

Wondering why things changed, why you changed,
I know I am no one without you...I still, can’t convince you to come back,

I never thought you would go...

I was still glad to see you happy with something else,
Every moment ,every second I kept you in my heart,
With a desire to check your text, I woke up...

You left memories that no one can steal,
You also left a wound that no one can ever heal...

See how rapidly things change…

From this very moment I know,

I will hold on and I will always do everything for you,
I will hold on to your happiness, joy and prosperity…
I will never give-up on you,

I will never let you go…

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Was it Love?

Have you ever been in love? What sort of love? Is it a lust, attraction, style, a tendency or ADDICTION?
I met a guy madly in love with don’t know what… 

No it was not lust, nor was it sex. It wasn’t a girl either. I asked myself what kind of life does he lead? No feelings, no care for anyone, just hatred in heart and a fear of not being hated. I mean what kind of theory is that!!! This man made me think of what must have happened, which lead him be like this.

I asked him about the problem and here is the reply:

“Addiction is a very negative word, why don’t we call it an obsession, a passion of becoming rich. I am a no-one now. But I will be someone someday. And yes, I am on the path. I have money, a sexy car. What else you need?  I am not in a relationship does not mean I don’t F**k. I don’t need a partner or a marriage… I will be the same as I was.”

I investigated about him and found out about a girl in his life he was damn serious for, but still kept double timing on and eventually started to feel guilty and not the suitable guy for her. This lead he staying away from the girl life-long and she eventually ended up with someone else.

This guy now feels unsecure about what would happen if the same girl hates him? In his heart may be that girl will be alive forever in the same effigy, but if she finds him out like this, her happiness would shatter. She would not believe on truth, on trust, on emotions, on love…. And if there is no LOVE , there would be disappointment, let-down and failure of a true love story.

Is this how a love story should end? I have read that true love stories don’t die; even if they are incomplete they make an epic. Is this a true love story? Was he really in love with her ever? May be yes or maybe no…

I wish this does not end the way it has…We all would miss this love story…

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Every Action Has An Equal And Opposite Reaction

The third of Sir Issac Newton's laws of physics, and one that is very important to space flight. If you push anything it pushes back to you. Now why am I worrying about Sir Newton, is the way we react is only measured by the force of hitting of that incident.

Still complicated? I know. Life is so…L

We are used to a routine life, “IF” someone disturbs it, we tend to react. The reaction can be good, bad, or even surprising. One moment you make plans for something, the other moment you realize that all of them are screwed…off course you react, and the way of reacting is definitely not good…

Sometimes you get cute surprises; it may be from anyone husband, parents, friends or else, your routine changes but your reaction on that change of routine is great, now you are happy.

One thing never changes out of “routine” is just keep waiting about what can come up next…something that is fishy or something which makes your life full of amazement.
Wait & watch the force of event which further calculates your reacting senses.